Sunday, February 15, 2009

Cat Pics...

More funny cat pics.... Enjoy...






Saturday, February 14, 2009

Cat Breeds: Elf Cat

Obviously, I'm a cat lover but I'm still trying to figure out how I might react when I happen to find myself near an Elf Cat. Would I touch it, would I dare try?

I might admit that it takes a special kind of person to appreciate this breed. But let you not be blinded by their outside appearance (which might take some getting used to) this feline breeds personality is considered unmatched.

The Breed

This hairless, and, slightly curled ear, cat is a deliberate mix of Sphynx and American Curl Species. The name Elf Cat was given due to its slight curl in the ear which gives it an elf like appearance. Etablished on 2007 after extensive research went into its health and viability, and obtaining the approval from the geneticists at TICA.

When the first litter of Elf kittens were born it was said that all those involved instantly fell in love with the appearance, personality and social ability of this new breed.


The most notable feature of an elf cat is that it is hairless, thus, people see it as a wrinkled hairless cat. But let me just put on the record that this breed is just as wrinkled as any other breeds. It's hairless appearance and curled ear can either attract or repel people.

People owning the breed testifies that though hairless this breed can be cuddled affectionately being that they are soft, downy and warm. They say the texture can be compared to a warm fuzzy peach.

You may be surprised that there are many varieties of color this breed has. Much like its hairy cousins.


Elfs are said to be intelligent, friendly cats that are agile and have personality plus. They respond well to being handled as they are very interactive, social cats.

Often, Elf kittens are said to be "one part cat, one part dog, one part monkey and one part child." Most people who have had the good fortune to meet one of these individuals are quick to agree. The Elf is a very loving and loyal member of the household and has a strong tendency to bond with his or her choice in humans or the pet dog. They will follow that individual around faithfully, winding around legs and wagging their tails happily. The Elf will also greet you with a happy chirp when he sees you get out of bed, or arrive back home from a long day at work.

Like most cats, Elves love affection, and has a great love of mischief. They love to climb, hide and get into all sorts of trouble - everything is a toy regardless of whether it’s a wadded up piece of paper that missed the trashcan, good china, or a family heirloom. If it can be moved, knocked over, or will produce some form of sound (crashing and breaking noises are especially fun), the impish Elf will believe it to be a noisemaker built just for her.

Elf cats can be wonderfully patient and affectionate towards children and other animals. The Elf is not an aggressive animal by any extent. They are lovers, not fighters and their soft skin and lack of fur means they can be easily injured if bitten or scratched by other playful pets. If you do intend to introduce an Elf into your home and you have other pets, supervision is mandatory.

My take

If you can get over the fact that their hairless this breed can surely be one of the best. A cat that is loyal and would stick with you everytime is surely rare.

Would I own one? Why not? Their unique and they're cats nonetheless.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Collectible cats

This is just so whimsical and divine. It's a lounging cat trinket box I found in the net. It is also equipped with hinged opening, perfect for hiding her small treasures. Just lovely....