Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Cats and Women: the common denominator

Most of the time people compare each other with dogs and cats. More often the females are said to be more cat-like and men dog-like. Now with all the other sarcastic blogs of men about the feline-female species, I'm gonna add up my very own opinion on this.

I don't really mind being compared with my cat and any other cat for the matter. Cats are sweet and aloof at same time. They have a specific time to want attention. Like a female's mood swings... There would just be a time when you just don't like talking and being all cudly-cudly. We're not mad... just irritated, not at you but something else... but we're ok.... just stay away... haha... it's a little bit difficult to understand if your not a girl... the best way to handle us to just let us be... like a cat... But there are just times when you just wanna be sweet... like a cat purring at your feet. now's a perfect time for attention....

A cat they say is vain, constantly fixing itself up just like girls... Me, I don't call it vanity... Making sure you look perfect isn't vanity, being obsessive about your looks is... there's a difference.

I see nothing wrong when you try to make yourself look good. Besides, shouldn't it be that a person takes care of itself. So at times we spoil ourselves with little trinkets but what's wrong with that. What wrong with making yourself look and feel good? We're just taking care of ourselves... like cats....

Some say cat's don't listen that they follow there own desires... my cat listens... sometimes... do girls listen... sometimes... i listen... sometimes.... i follow... most of the times.... I follow my dad all the time... hehe...

I guess it's not really just doing what you want without giving a second thought about what another is saying... there are just times when you have a gut feeling that you have to follow... something like that... I'm really too young to be able to elaborate more on this... but let me just point out that the only time my dog follows command is when he knows his gonna be fed.... (",)

These are just three things I could think of right now... but I'll be posting more in the future.... Aja! Aja!

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