Tuesday, November 11, 2008


We used to have a cat named, Figaro. His mother was orange and he grew up with my family. He's probably the smartest cat we ever had. He would chase and capture big rats in the evening and he knows he's not allowed to eat anything that's not on the floor.

Unlike Nemo, he doesn't jump up on furniture and he doesn't pee on everything. I remember how he wakes me up every early morning because he wants to go out of the house. He would open my bedroom door and purr (loudly) beside my bed until I wake up to let him out. One time I unawarely locked my bedroom door and Figaro wasn't able to get in. We then found out he peed inside our bathroom. Smart kitty...

Figaro was really special, my dad's favorite. He has his own colar which contains somewhat triba marks. He sleeps inside the house and the family just adores him.

Then one time, he didn't come home. My dad looked for him all over our street, even asking our neighboors if he went to their backyard. But we just couldnt find him.. It was devastating, we had him for so long and he doesn't know how to feed himself. We always serve him. Poor cat...

It has been so long and I miss him... Wish your doing fine my dear Figaro.....

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Egyptian cats

There isn't probably a civilization who had loved and respected cats like that in Ancient Egypt. Regarded even as a God, cats had rose from not just being pets of Ancient Egptians but being the considered as the most majestic creature that ever roamed the earth.


Though there is uncertainty at the exact time that the cats were domesticated but anicent Egyptian time pests were a great problem for the villagers. Beginning as a wild, untamed species, cats would often be seen chasing and going after pests, thus, being extremely useful. Through time, this creatures had learned to coexist with human beings leading to domestication.

Cats in everyday Ancient Egypt

Egyptians did not distinguish from wild and tame cat. Instead they called cats miu or mii meaning "he or she who mews." But there are two known breeds of cats native to egypt the jungle cat Felis Chaus and the African wildcat Felis silvestris lybic, the latter being the one domesticated.

Having numerous poisonous snakes, rats and mice attacking the food supply in the homes of Egyptian villagers, the wild cat was assumed to have staryed in to the villages and hunted their pests down. Grateful, the Egyptains started leaving out scraps of food to encourage this wild cats. A symbiotic relationship occured between the animal and humans.

As the felines found their way into the Egyptian homes, spent some time there, allowed themselves to be tamed and raised their kittens in a human environment, soon as the Egyptians significantly changed their diet, and bred them for certain characteristics. The most perfect pets-playful, intelligent, affectionate and helpful to the farmers who sustained life in ancient Egypt.

Many Egptian parents would even name their daughter after cats. Cats were believed to contain mysterious and superstitious powers.

Tomb paintings with cats as part of family life began to show up during the New Kingdom-about 500 years after the first attempts at domestication. The appearrance of mumified cats further strenghtened the proof of the bond of families and thier pets. As they were most likely domesticated cats from ordinary households or temple catteries; it wouldn't make sense to go to such trouble for wild animals who died.

The Sacred Animal

Mafdet was the earliest feline cat goddess recorded. It is described in the Pyramid Texts as killing a serpent with her claws. But the most famous cat goddesses in the world, first revered by the ancient Egyptians were Bastet (also known as Bast, Pasch, Ubasti) and the lion-headed Sekhmet.

Often depicted as having the body of a woman and the head of a domestic cat, Bastet was assocciated with th Eye of Ra. Thus, acting within the sun gods pwer. She became a household goddess and the protector of women, children and domestic cats. Loved by Egyptians, she was alo the goddess of sunrise, dance, music, pleasure, and family, fertility and birth

But Bastet had an alter ego, the goddes Sekhmet who represented the cat goddess' destructive force. She is known as the goddess of war and pestilence. But even she was tamed by Ra (who supposedly got her drunk) and she eventually became the powerful protector of humans. Together, Bastet and Sekhmet represented the balance of the forces of nature.

Cats stated appearring on evryday objects. Some of them can be found on intricate bracelets, small golden cat pendants, cats amulets made of soapstone for necklaces and rings. Women made up their faces holding mirrors with cats on the wooden handles and on their cosmetic pots. The best part was that ordinary people could enjoy the protection of the cat goddess through their amulets on their clothing or around their necks or in their earlobes. There were even dream interpretations about cats who were said that if seen in a dream, it means he will have a good harvest

There were festivities in their honour and cults dedicated to them. Truly, no one loved their cats like Ancient Egyptians.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Famous cat: Felix

During the silent film era where engineers required an "actor" to be under the burning studio lights as they tweaked to get the best transmitted picture a black paper mache cat was the perfect candidate. Created by Otto Messmer his humble beginnings as curious and mischievious cat in tv started he's career and soon he bccame an icon.

Felix surely withstood time he had tons of movies, cartoon sketches, comic strips, an empire of collectibles and is also considered a mascot. He's probably the one most recognizable cat in the world with his black body and white eyes.

Felix has been said to represent a child's sense of wonder, creating the fantastic when it is not there, and taking it in stride when it is. His famous pace—hands behind his back, head down, deep in thought—became a trademark that has been analyzed by critics around the world. Felix's expressive tail, which could be a shovel one moment, an exclamation mark or pencil the next, serves to emphasize that anything can happen in his world.

Personally, I dont really remember watching Felix's cartoons but I know who he is and Felix the cat surely deserves a lot of respect. He had withstood time and failed to dissappear.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Collectible cats

Small Scared Cat Post Earrings

This is really pretty. It's an Austrian Swarovski Crystal jewelry piece by renowned artisan Dorothy Bauer. Each piece is constructed and soldered by hand. It sells in the internet for about $ 60.00. If I were to think about purchasing it... hmm... if I was rich... it's really cute....

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Cat Pics...

I have a few funny pictures here of cats... enjoy....






Saturday, September 13, 2008

Quotable Cat Quotes

Don't think that I'm silly for liking it,
I just happen
to like the simple little things
and I love cats!

- Michelle Gardner

Friday, September 12, 2008

Cat Breeds: Scottish Fold

The Scottish Fold cat is a curly eared cat who originally occurred as a spontaneous mutation in farm cats in Scotland. Sometimes called Coupari by Canadian breeders—this a breed of cat has a natural dominant-gene mutation that makes its ear cartilage contain a fold, causing the ears to bend forward and down towards the front of their head, giving the cat what is often described as an "owl-like" appearance. They were originally called Flops (for "floppy" ears), the name Scottish Fold became the breed's name in 1966.


The original Scottish Fold was a white, fold eared cat named "Susie". She was discovered in 1961 in the Tayside Region of Scotland, at a farm near Coupar Angus. She was a white barn cat with ears that folded downward and forward on her head. Her face resembled an "owl" or an "otter's face". A shepherd by the name of William Ross first noticed Susie's unique ears at a neighbor's barn. Since William and his wife Mary were Cat Fanciers they were fascinated with Susie.

A year later Susie and a local tom had a litter of two folded ear kittens and the Ross's acquired the female and named her Snooks. Snooks' son was bred to a British Shorthair and so began the breed known today as the Scottish Fold. At this time the breed was registered with the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy in Great Britain. Today all Scottish Folds are descendents of this remarkable Scottish kitty.


The most noticable feature of this breed of cat is its folded ear. Though born without the so-called "fold" eventually those with the gene, more or less after 21 days, would develop this "fold". The Scottish Folds' firm chin, prominent cheek pads and large, expressive eyes give the breed's round face a very sweet, appealing expression.

The shorthaired Scottish Fold has a short, plush, dense coat that comes in parti-colors, shadeds, smokes, solids and tabbies. The longhaired members of the breed have beautiful flowing coats featuring the same array of colors and patterns as their shorthaired counterparts. Scottish Folds come in two types: folded ear and straight (normal) ear.


Having barnyard ancestors, Scottish Folds are naturally robust cats. They are sweet natured breed who loves endearment and is extremely affectionate. They have tiny voices that sounds more like a squeak than a meow. They love to play and be involved in the fun and games. Often they would be seen sleeping flat on their backs. They adore human companionship and adapt to almost any home situation, whether you live in an apartment or a country acreage. They get along well with children, dogs and other pets. If you are looking for a calm, affectionate, adorable and healthy cat for your family, the Scottish Fold may just be the purr-fect choice!

My take

I haven't actually seen a Scottish Fold but the first time I saw its picture in the internet I was like, "That's a weird cat...". They have eyes that are so big and ears that seem small. Weird... it reminded me of a movie I saw when I was much younger... Anyway, they're fluffy enough to be hugged and I'm pretty sure they wouldn't try to escape your clutches but instead they would cuddle up more. I wouldn't mind having one, although they're big eyes might need time to sink in...

Friday, September 5, 2008

Maneki Neko

A Maneki Neko or in literal translation Beckoning Cat is believed to bring luck to its owners. Also known as Welcoming Cat, Lucky Cat, Money Cat and Fortune cat, the Maneki Neko is the most common lucky charm in Japan. Most often in Japan it can be found in shop windows or at entrances of business establishments.

It is commonly made of ceramics or porcelain and commonly depicts a cat (more often the Japanese Bobtail) sitting with its paw raised and bent, thus the act of beckoning.


It is commonly believed that the Maneki Neko became popular in the latter half of the Edo Period (1603 - 1867), although this lucky cat is rarely mentioned by name in era documents. By the Meiji Period (1868 - 1912), however, it begins to appear with great regularity in publications and business establishments. Also evidence of a kimono-clad Maneki Neko were distributed at a shrine in Osaka during this time. An ad from 1902 advertising Maneki Neko indicates that by the turn of the century they were popular.

Like other countries there were countless superstitions about cats in Japan. One of which is the belief that when a cat washes its face and paws in the genkan (parlor), company's coming. The gesture of the Maneki Neko's paw to others seem to be that of a cat washing it's face thus, may contribute to the coming in of customers.


The Gesture:

To others it seems as though the Maneki Neko is waving but to Japanes people holding up the hand, palm out, and repeatedly folding the fingers down and back up, is a gesture of beckoning. Modern Maneki Nekos especially those for export are now seen with paws folding back rather than upfront.

There are different beliefs as to which paw is raised...

RIGHT PAW: Inviting money and good fortune

LEFT PAW: Inviting customers or people

BOTH PAW: Protecting homes or businesses:


These are the decorations of a Maneki Neko...

BIB AND BELL: Wealthiness and Material Abundance. these could have originated from a custom of the Edo Period. During those days, affluent ladies adorned their cats (an expensive pet at the time) with red collars made of hichirimen (Camellia Japonica, a red flower), and small bells were attached to the collar to help the owners keep track of their pets.

COIN: sometimes depicted holding a coin; usually a gold coin called a koban, used during the Edo period in Japan. The coin ties into the cat's part in bringing good fortune and wealth. It is not surprising then that one can often find Maneki Neko used as banks, a practice which goes back at least to the 1890s, much like the Western piggy bank. Also there would be times when pennies and other small coin denominations are left on the Maneki Neko as offerings. This is a practice somewhat related to that of leaving coins in a fountain or wishing well.

Finding Nemo

No this will not be about the lost fish in the Disney-Pixar Movie but rather I would be telling you the story of how me and my family found our cat, Nemo.

We were just about to go home after our visit to our relatives. Christmas was approaching and we were being all excited about attending the simbang gabi (mass early in the morning, a Christmas tradition in the Philippines) it was already Christmas vacation so we all could attend now.

Then we heard this soft meowing out of no where. We saw this little kitty walking in the street. There are a lot of stray cats in the Philippines so seeing a lone kitty is just common.

We have a cat at home named Mimi who just gave birth so we were all excited about kitties at that time. My sister started calling the kitty with that wiss-wiss-wiss sound that always makes cats listen, I don't know why but they do. Anyway, the little kitty went towards my sisters direction and started purring and being all sweet.

Not all stray cats like people most of them would hiss at you so we were really taken by how sweet this little kitty is. Even though it doesn't snow in the Philippines it's really cold in December plus it rains a lot. If we were to leave him alone he'll surely die. But we know my mama doesn't want another cat. After all we already have one plus four new 0nes.

I asked my mama if we could bring it to tita's home and leave it there. He could be fed by tita who doesn't like cats but feeds a lot of stray cats who made a home of her backyard. But suprisingly she said we could bring it home with us. She was won over by how cute and sweet he was.

While we were walking towards the sakayan ng jeepney we were thinking about a name. I said why not nemo, I haven't watch the film but he makes me think of Nemo.

So there you have it, the story of how we found Nemo. He is now about 3 yrs. old and considers himself King of all the cats... haha... He's still sweet and we love him...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Cats and Women: the common denominator

Most of the time people compare each other with dogs and cats. More often the females are said to be more cat-like and men dog-like. Now with all the other sarcastic blogs of men about the feline-female species, I'm gonna add up my very own opinion on this.

I don't really mind being compared with my cat and any other cat for the matter. Cats are sweet and aloof at same time. They have a specific time to want attention. Like a female's mood swings... There would just be a time when you just don't like talking and being all cudly-cudly. We're not mad... just irritated, not at you but something else... but we're ok.... just stay away... haha... it's a little bit difficult to understand if your not a girl... the best way to handle us to just let us be... like a cat... But there are just times when you just wanna be sweet... like a cat purring at your feet. now's a perfect time for attention....

A cat they say is vain, constantly fixing itself up just like girls... Me, I don't call it vanity... Making sure you look perfect isn't vanity, being obsessive about your looks is... there's a difference.

I see nothing wrong when you try to make yourself look good. Besides, shouldn't it be that a person takes care of itself. So at times we spoil ourselves with little trinkets but what's wrong with that. What wrong with making yourself look and feel good? We're just taking care of ourselves... like cats....

Some say cat's don't listen that they follow there own desires... my cat listens... sometimes... do girls listen... sometimes... i listen... sometimes.... i follow... most of the times.... I follow my dad all the time... hehe...

I guess it's not really just doing what you want without giving a second thought about what another is saying... there are just times when you have a gut feeling that you have to follow... something like that... I'm really too young to be able to elaborate more on this... but let me just point out that the only time my dog follows command is when he knows his gonna be fed.... (",)

These are just three things I could think of right now... but I'll be posting more in the future.... Aja! Aja!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Famous cat: Garfield

Who doesn't know Garfield? Who doesn't like Garfield? I'm pretty sure only a few people would answer yes to both questions.

Since Jim Davis' Garfield came out in 1978 he had conquered the world. He was able to evolve into more than just a comics you read in the Sunday Newspapers but he had also become a celebrity both in the small and big screen. He had won awards, like the 1985 & 1989 Emmy Awards for Outstanding Animated Program, he is in the Guinnes Book of World Records as the "Most Syndicated Comic Strip in the World", his comics had been translated to different languages, and he even has a CD!!!

I could just go on and on about the things this feline was able to achieve but I have another question at hand, why? What is it that Garfield has that we just love and adore?

His cute, haha... but definitely not the cutest... There are cuter cartoons... But there something about his built (I don't know if that's the correct term, built...) that you could just adore. He seems so fat and huggable that you just wanna squeeze him. He'll probably scratch you when you do that but I wouldn't mind trying. He can be fat and perfect at the same time...

Sarcasm... Quirky one liners... Something you could just love about Garfield... This may be Jim Davis' thoughts but somehow it sounds oh so Garfield. Here's my favorite...

"I'm not getting fat! I'm just getting really, really smart so there's no more room in my head and my brain is going in my stomach"

More or less, it sounded like that... anyway, there would always be a time when you can just relate to what his saying... and you can't help but agree with him. To Garfield life is simple and he always has a way to make life work with him... even if it's Monday... Take it to Garfield to figure out a way to make things go his way....

Garfield may be lazy, demanding, overweight, and selfish but his lovable nonetheless. He's no pretender.... and I guess one good reason why he stands time and is continually loved by thousands. He has life, it's like Jim Davis' gave him a soul... something most characters wasn't able to achieve.


While thinking of a name for my blog the first thing that came to my mind was Miss Kitty... I'm a girl and I like cats so... obvious choice, but I found out that it was already taken. I thought again... misskittycat... I typed, but alas.. it too was taken...

Can't believe it was that frustating to think of a blog html. Anyway, after dozens of trials I started thinking... Hey, I'm bilingual so why am I just sticking to the English language...

"Pusa", yep.. it's the Filipino term for cat... Miss Pusa... it doesn't sound as cute as Miss Kitty but hey... wala syang katulad!!! hehe..